
Baklava, a Mediterranean sweet, has become a favourite in my family after my Grandmother introduced it to our family just a few years ago.

Ramadaan Mubaarak and Ma'amoul

Firstly, Ramadaan Mubarak to all Muslims around the world! May Allah make this month a blessing for us all, that we drawer closer to Him, seeking His Forgiveness and His Pleasure. Today I have a rather quick recipe post, since I decided to make Ma'amoul ( for the first time) this morning. I don't yet know if it turned out any good. We fast for 20 hour here in Scotland, so I've still got another 9 hours to go before...

Chicken Filled Savoury Croissants

This recipe caught my eye some months ago, on a facebook page called Fauzia's Fun Kitchen. I have adapted her recipe to my preference and for a first time  recipe it turned out pretty good! I did learn that I absolutely suck a rolling croissants though, but practice can make for near perfection :)The overall ingredients list is as followsFor the Dough (makes about 8 croissants)2cups of plain...

British take on Ma'asoob (معصوب)

So this is no proper 'traditional' recipe, but just a British variant because I can't find any decent Middle Eastern bread to use for it. Alas, the bog standard loaf of wholemeal bread that was laying around would have to do! And I think it worked quite well, if I do say so myself. EDIT: So I just found out from a friend that the bread usually used to make this is called 'fateerah' (فطيرة) and that it is actually the...

Arabic/Sugar Wax

Quite a few friends have been asking how I make this, so I figured a a blog post would suffice. Sugar wax has been used by Arab women for centuries if I remember right. I can across a recipe for it while looking for a cheaper alternative to store bought stuff. And what could be cheaper than using just three things that a probably already in your kitchen? Another great thing about this wax it that it...

Spinach Smoothie

I've fallen in love with this recently. Though admittedly, I was quite disgusted when I first heard about it, spinach smoothie? Who would want to drink that?! But after having read about how great it is for the body, and not to mention how packed spinach is with vitamins and minerals (Pop-eye was certainly on to something, guys!) I decided trying it can't hurt. So I did, and I've been hooked ever since! Here's...

Heart-centred Cupcakes.

I bought a cupcake from a store a few weeks ago. On biting into it I had the great surprise of finding a pink heart inside it! This is just my attempt the replicate it. Next time I think I need to either use a small heart cookie-cutter or more cake batter as I had difficulty covering the hearts. Nothing a heck load of piped icing couldn't solve, but I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to food. :) Ingredients. 3/4...